Journal club#

FIXME Instructions

For Group’s with a journal club fill in the information below. Edit or delete sections as appropriate.

We run a journal club where we come together as a group and discuss papers of interest. This club is particularly useful for early career researchers but will be of interest to everyone. The club is informal and participation is strongly encouraged.

  • Journal club is held every <TIMEFRAME OR DATE> at <HOUR>.

  • We meet at <LOCATION>.

  • We discuss <NUMBER> of papers each meeting and these are selected by whoever is leading the meeting.

  • Papers are sent to the whole Group <NUMBER> of days before the meeting and everyone is expected to have read them before the meeting.

  • We take turns leading the club.

Basic rules for the meeting:

  • Listen to other people. Do not talk over people.

  • Do not be afraid to voice your opinion. This is supposed to be an informal meeting.

  • Read the papers in advance.

  • If you are leading the session think of some areas for discussion in advance and keep the conversation flowing.

Before your first journal club meeting please look at the guidance from the Data Ethics Club repository. We run our club in a similar way with similar expectations.

A list of the past papers we have discussed can be found <LOCATION OR URL>.

FIXME Instructions

For Group’s without a journal club the following information might be useful to your team. Edit or delete sections as appropriate.

Our Group does not run a journal club at present. The <DEPARTMENT OR OTHER GROUP> runs a journal club which is open to everyone. See [their webpages](<URL LINK>) for more information.

There are also some external journal clubs that you might want to join, for example, the ReproducibiliTea Network runs clubs globally.

If you wish to start your own club there are lots of online resources, such as the ReproducibiliTea resources and the Data Ethics Club repository. You might also find it helpful to read Ten simple rules for a bioinformatics journal club, which is useful for all disciplines.