Style guide#

We ask that you follow these guidelines to help us maintain a consistent style in the Our Handbook project.

Leaving notes for handbook authors#

If you want to leave instructions for handbook authors (the users of our template), then we try to use a special kind of Admonition block. This allows us to highlight areas of the handbook that authors need to make changes to, and gives them an easy way to search for these.

As a bonus, the instruction blocks are also visible to group members browsing the work-in-progress handbook (who might not be able to understand the raw markdown code).

We use the following MyST syntax:

```{admonition} FIXME Instructions
Provide guidance and instructions here

- You can use lists
- and other formatting inside

Which produces the following:

FIXME Instructions

Provide guidance and instructions here

  • You can use lists

  • and other formatting inside